You can get a car insurance unless you will buy a car.

Can you rent a car if you dont have car insurance of your own?
Yes, but they will try to sell you insurance for the rental. You should take it, if offered.

Are you required to have auto insurance on a car that you dont drive?
If the car if financed, the lender will require you to insure it. If you own the car, and don’t drive it, you are not required to have insurance.

HttpwikianswerscomQI am using your friends car for few days and you dont want to use his insurance so can you buy a insurance for his car while you are driving that car?
NO! Buy your own insurance! Or get him to!

No car but have a Florida drivers license do i need to carry insurance?
No. You do not have to carry insurance in Florida if you dont own a vehicle.

Can I get fined for driving a car I dont own with no registration or insurance?
Yes. You are driving so you are responsible.

Can you rent a car if you dont own a vehicle or have insurance?
Yes buy it at counter at time of renting

You dont have your own car insurance can you still rent a car?
YES, Rental companies do not ask for proof of insurance. But I would consider taking he rental cars protection package out.

What happens if you pay your car loan so it doesnt get repossessed but you dont have insurance?
Your car finance company will add their own insurance that covers their vehicle, but not your liability. ANd it will significantly increase your payments. It would be so much cheaper and better protection for you to find your own insurance. Park it until you get insurance.

What happens if you dont have insurance and you get into a car accident driving your friends car – she has insurance?
Her insurance may state ‘other drivers with the insured’s permission’ in which case her insurance would at least in part cover damage to other people/cars, but probably not to her own car. If her insurance does not have that clause, you are probably in trouble.

Do you have to own a car to have liability insurance?
It sorta makes sense that you would own a car. If you do not own a car why would you want liability insurance?

Can you get car insurance if you dont own the car?
you need to have a car registered. so that a car insurance can sell you something. the report involves ; car name ,licence plate, car tittle , your license, everithing has to be under your name . and you have to be at least 18 years or older to aply.

Do you need car insurance in Ohio if you own your car?
Yes you will need car insurance in Ohio, if you own a car. Car insurance is mandatory to ensure people are covered for damage, in the case of a car accident.

What age do you need car insurance?
there is no age, you buy car insurance when you own a car

If my name only as the owner is on a car but my daughter who has her own insurance on the car was in an accident could you be legally responsible?
No. Car insurance is insurance on the car not insurance on the driver.

If you don’t own a car do you need car insurance?
If you are going to drive a car, you should have insurance.

Do you have to have insurance if you do not own a car and This is in the state of OHIO and if so will your license be validated without the insurance?
if you do not own a car you do not have to have insurance the insurance is tied to the registration when you register plates for a car and that is how the state keep track of you for insurance purposes I live in Ohio

I need my step-daughter insurance on my car as she do not own her own car now?
you can put her on your insurance as a named driver

Do you need insurance if you have a drivers license but do not drive or own a car?
No, the insurance is on the car, not the person.

Can a person who doesn’t own a car or have driver’s insurance rent a car?
If you don’t have the licence or the insurance, no

If you ride someones motorcycle are you covered by your own car insurance?
car insurance does not cover motorcycles

If you dont have a vehicle can you get car insurance?
that’s if you’ve already had a car

How do you own a car without auto insurance?
You can own a car, but without auto insurance you cannot ply on the road and the Police will confiscate your licence.

Can each person in a household have there own car Insurance?
In a household each person can have there own car insurance. You could also have a family plan.

Your son almost 20 bought his first car Does he have to get his own car insurance which is expensive or can the parent get car insurance for him and just add him as a driver?
That really depends on the situation. Most car insurance companies allow parents to pay for their son’s car insurance IF he is living together with his parents AND that the car is garaged with them. If his son is living independently with his own car and has his own home where he can garage his car, then he will be paying his own car insurance. Any wrecks resulting in claims or ticket points will be…

Does a person need insurance or just the car?
If you own a car and buy insurance to cover it, you are covered although the insurance is on the car. You can allow other people to drive the car and they will then be covered even if they don’t have insurance.

If you repossess your car do you have to continue insurance coverage on that vehicle?
I take it you mean, if your car IS repossessed. In that case, IF you dont plan to redeem it, 샌즈카지노 NO. NO car, NO insurance. Once the lender repos the car, they are responsible for the insurance coverage.

Why can’t I get a rental car from the driver who totaled my car?
Presumably because the other driver’s insurance doesn’t cover that expense. Check into your own insurance policy to see if maybe your own insurance does.

Can you get car insurance even if you don’t own a car?
Certainly, you can get liability insurance which will cover you while driving someone else’s car.

Where can you get car insurance with a permit?
I doubt there is insurance available to you. With a permit, you are actually driving under the authority and liability of the licensed driver in the car. It is their insurance that protects you and other drivers in the event of an accident. Once you have a driver’s license and own your own car, you can purchase insurance from almost any insurance company.

If your husband has his own insurance for his vehicle and you exclude him the insurance on your car will he be covered by his insurance if he was driving your car and had an accident?
You have to list the drivers covered to drive your car on the policy. If not he is not covered.

Can you put your son on your car insurance for his own car and he lives at a different address?
Yes but be aware your insurance company sets their own rules for this kind of thing.

Who pays when driver is not the car owner but has car insurance?
Usually the insurance policy of the owner of the car is primary and then if the driver of the car has a policy of their own then it is secondary.

Can you buy the car insurance if you do not own the car?
no the person that owns the car actually has to be the polcy holder. But you can be a listed driver and the one who pays it and get experience for having insurance. the owner of the car doesnt even have to be a driver. But because she/he owns the vehicle they have an insurance interest in the car and must own the policy

Can you get car insurance for a car you do not own?
Yes. … and no… the person that owns the car actually has to be the polcy holder. But you can be a listed driver and the one who pays it and get experience for 더킹카지노주소 having insurance. the owner of the car doesnt even have to be a driver. But because she/he owns the vehicle they have an insurance interest in the car and must own the policy.

Do you have to have car insurance in California if you have a license but do not own or operate a vehicle?
No. You can only get car insurance if their is actual a vehicle to insure.

do i have to have my 18 year old son on my ins. if he has his own car?
No, you don’t have to put your son on your insurance, but he will have to get insurance of his own.

In what circumstances does your auto insurance cover you and the car if you are driving a friends car?
Car insurance follows the car. If you are using the friend’s car temporarily, with permission, as a substitute for your own insured car, your insurance should cover you if the friend’s insurance does not. What if my friend (who has the car) does not have insurance and I want to pay for my faults and fix it – will he be arrested?

Can you be on your parents car insurance if you own your own car?
You may have to add their name to the title as co-owner.

Auot insurance in MA and have no insurance?
If you do not own a car or live in a household with a car owner who is related to you, you don’t actually need your own insurance as long as the person whose car you are driving has insurance. However, that is only true for the occasional trip in a friend’s car. If you regularly use the vehicle you would need to get insured.

Does car insurance in Ohio follow the vehicle?
No. The insurance policy stays with the owner of the car. If the car is sold to another person, the NEW owner must obtain his own insurance.

What is the meaning of no fault car insurance?
No fault car insurance is coverage designed to compensate victims of car accidents via their own insurance company, regardless of which driver was in fault.

Do your parents have to add you to their insurance when you get your permit?
Answer If you don’t have your own car and you are going to be driving their car, yes they have to add you to their car insurance or you won’t be covered..

Why do you have to put your 22 year old son on your car insurance when he doesn’t drive your car and has his own car and insurance?
You don’t. WHo said you needed to?

If you own your car or house and are no longer making payments should you still have insurance on them?
If you own your car or house and are no longer making payments, should you still have insurance on them? Explain why or why not.

Do you have to have car insurance if you don’t own a car?
no Actually, it depends on what you mean. In the U.S. you do not have to have car insurance if you don’t drive a car, so if you don’t own a car, by default you don’t have to keep insurance, however, many states in the U.S. require you to have insurance if you are driving, so if you borrow someone’s car, you may be required to have insurance while driving it. In the states that…

Will your insurance cover your car if you were at fault?
If you have full Coverage Auto Insurance, Then the Comprehensive and Collision portions of your coverage would pay for damages to your own car. If you just have liability insurance only. Then you just have coverage for the other car and there is no coverage for your own vehicle.

Cheap car insurance?
If you have your own car and there is not a loan or lease you may opt to have liability insurance because we provide the car insurance policy at the lowest cost. You will find out all about car insurance policy types and their benefits here. We provide all insurance news about car insurance which helps to cover your vehicle.

Where can I get Rental Car Insurance for International Travelers?
The rental car companies should have coverage. If not check with your own insurance provider

Can you get insurance on your license even if you do not own a car?
I believe you can get liability and perhaps uninsured motorist insurance without owning a car.

Can a 18 year old girl get her own car insurance?
As long as she owns the car, has a license, and can afford the insurance she can buy it.

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